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Remote Viewing and Lucid Dreaming

Have you ever had a dream that felt so real, you were convinced you were living it in the moment? Maybe you were flying over mountains, or exploring a mysterious city, or even having a conversation with someone you know. Whatever the dream was, it felt vivid and intense, as if it was happening right before your eyes. This is what is known as a lucid dream, a type of dream in which the dreamer is aware they are dreaming and can sometimes control the dream's events and outcome.

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remote viewing and lucid dreaming

But what if I told you that there is a type of psychic ability that allows you to access information about people, places, and events that are beyond your physical senses, including those that occur outside of your current time and space? This ability is called remote viewing, and it has some striking similarities to lucid dreaming. Let's explore the relationship between remote viewing and lucid dreaming and how they may be connected.


Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is a psychic ability that allows an individual to gather information about a target, such as a person, place, or object. It was first studied by the US government during the Cold War era as part of the Stargate Project, a classified program that aimed to explore psychic abilities and their potential military applications. Then, remote viewing has since been studied by independent researchers and has gained a following among those interested in psychic abilities and personal development.

As detailed in our book Awaken Your Intuition: The ABCs of Remote Viewing, remote viewing involves a set of protocols and techniques that help the remote viewer focus their attention on a target and gather information about it. These protocols include setting an intention, quieting the mind, sketching, and using specific techniques to access information about the target.

Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming, on the other hand, is a type of dream in which the dreamer is aware they are dreaming and can sometimes control the dream's events and outcome. Lucid dreaming occurs during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep and can be induced through various techniques, such as reality testing, dream journaling, sound, and meditation.

In a lucid dream, the dreamer may be able to fly, explore new worlds, or even interact with other dream characters. Some lucid dreamers use this ability to overcome fears, practice new skills, or explore their own consciousness.


So, what is the relationship between remote viewing and lucid dreaming? At first glance, it may seem like these two psychic abilities have little in common. However, upon closer inspection, we can see that there are some striking similarities between them.

Firstly, both remote viewing and lucid dreaming involve accessing information that is beyond our physical senses. In remote viewing, the information comes from a target outside of the viewer's physical location. In lucid dreaming, the information comes from within the dreamer's mind, which can create a dream world that feels just as real as waking reality.

Secondly, both remote viewing and lucid dreaming involve accessing information that is not bound by the constraints of time and space. In remote viewing, the viewer may be able to access information about past, present, or future events. In lucid dreaming, the dreamer may be able to explore worlds that are beyond their current physical location.

Thirdly, both remote viewing and lucid dreaming require a high level of focus and concentration. In remote viewing, the viewer must quiet their mind and use specific techniques to access information about the target. In lucid dreaming, the dreamer must maintain awareness that they are dreaming while also focusing on their intentions and desires within the dream.

Finally, both remote viewing and lucid dreaming can be developed and enhanced with practice. Remote viewers and lucid dreamers alike can use various techniques and protocols to improve their abilities and achieve greater results.

Real-Life Examples

To better understand the relationship between remote viewing and lucid dreaming, let's look at some real-life examples.

In the book Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook by Joe McMoneagle, a former Project Stargate remote viewer, McMoneagle describes an experience in which he used remote viewing to access information about a target location. As he accessed the information, he felt as though he was physically present at the location and could sense the people and objects around him. McMoneagle's experience is similar to that of a lucid dream, in which the dreamer can explore a new world that feels just as real as waking reality.

Another example comes from the book The Lucid Dreaming Workbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Your Dream Life by Andrew Holecek. Holecek describes a technique called "dream yoga," which involves using lucid dreaming to explore the nature of consciousness and achieve greater awareness in waking life. This technique is similar to remote viewing in that it involves accessing information beyond our physical senses and developing our psychic abilities.


If you're interested in learning more about this topic, have a look at the following books:

  1. Awaken Your Intuition: The ABCs of Remote Viewing by Benoit Fabreguettes and Laurent Masotti is a comprehensive guide to learning the basics of remote viewing. The book provides detailed instructions and exercises to help readers develop their intuition and psychic abilities, and ultimately learn to use remote viewing as a tool to gain insights into their lives and the world around them.

  2. Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep by Andrew Holecek explores the relationship between lucid dreaming and Tibetan Buddhist practices known as "yogas of sleep." The book offers a step-by-step guide to lucid dreaming and dream yoga, providing practical techniques for accessing and navigating the dream world, as well as insights into the nature of consciousness and the self.

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