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Remote Viewing and Meditation

Remote viewing is an ability that involves perceiving information from distant locations without the use of the physical senses. It is a natural skill that has been studied and practiced by many individuals for various purposes, including scientific research, military intelligence, and personal growth. One of the most critical components of remote viewing is the role of meditation, which is often used to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of the technique.

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remote viewing and meditation

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice that involves calming the mind, reducing stress, and increasing focus and concentration. It has been used for centuries in various cultures and traditions to achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment. Today, meditation is widely recognized as a valuable tool for enhancing mental and physical health, including reducing anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.

Remote Viewing: the Role of Meditation

In the context of remote viewing, meditation plays a vital role in preparing the mind and body for the practice. By calming the mind and reducing distractions, meditation enables remote viewers to achieve a state of heightened awareness, focus, and intuition. This state of mind is often referred to as a "theta state," which is characterized by a slow brainwave frequency of 4-8 Hz. In this state, the mind is highly receptive to subtle signals and impressions, making it easier to perceive information from distant locations.

Meditation can take many forms, including guided meditations, breathwork, and mindfulness practices. Some remote viewing techniques incorporate specific meditation exercises designed to enhance psychic abilities and intuition. For example, the Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) technique developed by the military involves a series of meditation exercises, including the "ideogram" technique, which involves drawing symbols to represent remote targets.

Scientific Studies

Several studies have shown that meditation can improve remote viewing accuracy and effectiveness. Studies found that the remote viewers' accuracy improved significantly following the practice of regular meditation, in particular with a specific meditation technique called "Vipassana."

Vipassana Meditation

What is Vipassana Meditation?

The Vipassana meditation technique involves focusing on the sensations in the body, observing them without judgment, and developing a deep awareness of the present moment.

The practitioner is trained to observe the sensations in the body without reacting to them or attaching any meaning to them. This process of self-observation enables the practitioner to gain insight into the impermanent and constantly changing nature of the mind and the body.

I share my experience of a 10-day residential course in a Vipassana meditation center in Reaching Impossible Limits.

Other Benefits of Vipassana

In addition to enhancing remote viewing accuracy, meditation can also provide other benefits for remote viewers. It can improve mental clarity, reduce stress, and increase intuition and creativity. By incorporating meditation into their practice, remote viewers can achieve a state of deep relaxation and inner peace, which can enhance their ability to perceive information from distant locations.

How To Practice Vipassana

To begin practicing Vipassana meditation, start with just ten minutes of daily practice. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Find a comfortable place to sit. You can use a cushion to support your posture. If you don't have a cushion, consider using the Florensi Meditation Cushion, which is designed for comfort, portability, and easy cleaning. It also provides good support for maintaining proper posture.

  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax. If you are unable to sit in a completely dark room, it may be helpful to use a sleep eye mask.

  3. Observe your sensations without judgment. Allow yourself to become aware of the sensations in your body, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant, without attaching any labels or judgments to them.

  4. Scan your entire body. Starting from the top of your head, slowly move your attention down through your body, acknowledging each area as you go. Focus on each part of your body, noticing sensations such as pressure or tightness. Allow your muscles to soften and relax as you focus on each area.

  5. Once you've completed the full scan, take a moment to notice your entire body as a whole. Take a deep breath, then slowly open your eyes.

Remember, the goal of Vipassana meditation is not to achieve a certain state of mind, but rather to develop greater awareness of your own thoughts and feelings. With regular practice, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of your own mind and emotions, which can lead to greater peace and well-being in your daily life.


The role of meditation in remote viewing is a critical component of the technique. By calming the mind, reducing distractions, and achieving a state of heightened awareness, remote viewers can enhance their ability to perceive information from distant locations.

Meditation can provide a range of benefits for remote viewers, including improving accuracy, reducing stress, and increasing intuition and creativity. Incorporating regular meditation with your remote viewing practice can enhance your experience and deepen your understanding of the mind's incredible abilities.


If you're interested in learning more about remote viewing, check out the following resource:

  • Awaken Your Intuition: The ABCs of Remote Viewing by Benoit Fabreguettes and Laurent Masotti is a comprehensive guide to learning the basics of remote viewing. The book provides detailed instructions and exercises to help readers develop their intuition and psychic abilities, and ultimately learn to use remote viewing as a tool to gain insights into their lives and the world around them.

  • The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation by William Hart explores the practice of Vipassana meditation, a traditional meditation technique from India. Drawing on his own experiences as a Vipassana practitioner and teacher, Hart explains the philosophy behind the technique and provides practical advice on how to incorporate it into one's daily life. Through clear explanations and personal anecdotes, the book offers a compelling introduction to Vipassana meditation and its potential benefits for spiritual growth and personal transformation.

If you're interested in learning the remote viewing methodology, check out ntuitiv remote viewing courses and training.

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