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Remote Viewing and Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities and remote viewing are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to different phenomena. Both involve accessing information beyond our physical senses, but they differ in several ways. Let's explore them.

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remote viewing and psychic abilities


Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities, also known as extrasensory perception (ESP), refer to the ability to access information beyond our five physical senses. Examples of psychic abilities include telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition. People who have developed their psychic abilities claim that they can receive information or impressions about people, events, or objects that are not accessible through normal sensory channels.

For example, a clairvoyant may be able to receive information about a person's past or future, or see images or symbols that are related to that person. A telepath may be able to pick up on another person's thoughts or emotions, or communicate with them without using words. A precognitive may receive information about future events or outcomes, such as a dream or vision of an upcoming disaster or personal event.

There are many theories about how psychic abilities work, including the idea that they involve accessing information from a higher consciousness or spiritual realm. Others believe that psychic abilities are simply a manifestation of the brain's natural cognitive abilities, and can be explained through science and psychology.

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is a specific type of psychic ability that involves accessing information about a specific target, such as a location or object, using extrasensory perception. Remote viewers claim that they can use their minds to "travel" to a location, even if they have never been there physically, and gather information about it.

The remote viewing process involves a specific protocol, which may include meditation, sketching, describing, and other techniques. Remote viewers may be given a target, such as a photograph or a set of coordinates, and asked to provide information about the target. This information may include details about the target's location, appearance, history, or other characteristics.

The Controlled Remote Viewing methodology was developed in the 1970s by the US military as a way to gather intelligence about foreign targets without physically visiting them. The program, known as Stargate, was eventually declassified in the 1990s, and many former remote viewers have since come forward to share their experiences and insights.

What Are the Differences?

While both psychic abilities and remote viewing involve accessing information beyond our physical senses, there are several differences between the two phenomena.


Psychic abilities are often more general in nature, and may involve accessing information or impressions that are not related to a specific target. For example, a clairvoyant may receive information about a person's past or future, while a telepath may be able to pick up on another person's thoughts or emotions. In contrast, remote viewing specifically refers to the ability to access information about a specific target, such as a location or object.


Remote viewing is often more structured and methodical than other types of psychic abilities. The remote viewing methodology involves a specific protocol, which may include meditation, sketching, modeling, and other techniques, and is designed to provide accurate and detailed information about a target. In contrast, other types of psychic abilities may be more spontaneous and less structured.


Remote viewing is often seen as a more reliable and accurate way to gather information about a target than other types of psychic abilities. This is because remote viewing involves a specific protocol and methodology that is designed to minimize the influence of the viewer's personal biases and expectations. In contrast, other types of psychic abilities may be more subjective and vulnerable to personal interpretation.


If you're interested in learning more about this topic, have a look at the following books:

  • Awaken Your Intuition: The ABCs of Remote Viewing by Benoit Fabreguettes and Laurent Masotti is a comprehensive guide to learning the basics of remote viewing. The book provides detailed instructions and exercises to help readers develop their intuition and psychic abilities, and ultimately learn to use remote viewing as a tool to gain insights into their lives and the world around them.

  • Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities by Dean Rabin explores the scientific evidence for a range of psychic phenomena, including remote viewing, and argues that these abilities are real and worthy of scientific investigation.

  • Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, is a classic in the field of spirituality, inspiring millions of readers around the world. In the book, Yogananda includes insights into the nature of reality, consciousness, and the spiritual path, making it a valuable resource for those seeking spiritual growth and understanding.

Additionally, some organizations offer remote viewing courses and training, such as ntuitiv.

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